Post by Moonstone on Feb 22, 2013 19:21:32 GMT
This card foretells the idea of a new vision shifting forward in a smooth motion.
Luna energies are very prominent with this card helping you cleanse and clear out the old debris of negative feelings that have been holding you back from moving forward.
The feelings along with this card show that there is a determination to set things right.
Either a situation around you has altered your course and changed your direction in life. Evolving is part of our journey.
Changing from an old feeling and making space for the new feelings that are coming forth with this New Vision.
The priestess card is also springing to mind in this instance, for like the high priestess, the card is very knowledgable.
Focusing on what rings true to ourselves and taking on board what sits right,
while discarding what doesn't sit right or what causes us pain is just as important as making the choices that are right for us.
We are learning and its with this new vision that we can achieve our dreams.
We are living the dream that are become a reality. There's a peaceful ness coming in with this card suggesting to us that all is well.
We are where we are meant to be at this stage in time. Everything is going according to plan.
Though there may be a few hiccups along the way, we are definitely aware of what is happening around us.
The wheels are changing for the best.
Reassurance is with us with this new vision or our dream,
that we are being guided to take those first few steps.
Goddess Aphrodite is helping us move forward into a new era where our thoughts can be transmuted
from negative to positivity and our energies can be cleansed with the light of the moon.
Observation is the key here to put into motion the lessons we've learned online and in reality.
With a bit of faith, trust and pixie dust (as quoted from Peter Pan JM Barrie) by thinking happier thoughts, we can truly spread our wings and fly.
Blessings and thanks also to Goddess Energies for this card message today.
Luna energies are very prominent with this card helping you cleanse and clear out the old debris of negative feelings that have been holding you back from moving forward.
The feelings along with this card show that there is a determination to set things right.
Either a situation around you has altered your course and changed your direction in life. Evolving is part of our journey.
Changing from an old feeling and making space for the new feelings that are coming forth with this New Vision.
The priestess card is also springing to mind in this instance, for like the high priestess, the card is very knowledgable.
Focusing on what rings true to ourselves and taking on board what sits right,
while discarding what doesn't sit right or what causes us pain is just as important as making the choices that are right for us.
We are learning and its with this new vision that we can achieve our dreams.
We are living the dream that are become a reality. There's a peaceful ness coming in with this card suggesting to us that all is well.
We are where we are meant to be at this stage in time. Everything is going according to plan.
Though there may be a few hiccups along the way, we are definitely aware of what is happening around us.
The wheels are changing for the best.
Reassurance is with us with this new vision or our dream,
that we are being guided to take those first few steps.
Goddess Aphrodite is helping us move forward into a new era where our thoughts can be transmuted
from negative to positivity and our energies can be cleansed with the light of the moon.
Observation is the key here to put into motion the lessons we've learned online and in reality.
With a bit of faith, trust and pixie dust (as quoted from Peter Pan JM Barrie) by thinking happier thoughts, we can truly spread our wings and fly.
Blessings and thanks also to Goddess Energies for this card message today.